Aim: To help the crew “get to know one another” while avoiding the usual rut of the elevator pitch we give at conferences.

Generally, the first call involves people introducing themselves and casually exploring topics of shared interest. It should take around 60 minutes.

📥 Check In

  1. The scheduler nominates someone starts the check-in by sharing:
    1. What you were up to before the call
    2. How you’re feeling today
    3. How you’re feeling about the call to come
  2. The person who checked in then passes to someone who hasn’t gone yet

People often report a enjoying the sense of transition and continuity this style of check-in provides.

👋 "”More of this” Introduction formats

Here are two discussion formats that can serve in an introduction session for a crew. Both have two goals:

  1. Give each member the chance to speak into a receiving group for longer than they’d generally be used to
  2. Elicit a shared sense of the sacred

Both refer to "more of this” moments. A “more of this” moment, is a time when there was an overwhelming sense that whatever was happening, you wanted more of it in your life in a profound way. These are generally moments that:

Options: (a is more structured and experimental, b is more flexible and easier to run)

  1. Crew members popcorn share a 3-5 minute story in a semi-structured way (should take ~50 minutes with a crew of 4, so requires around ~70 minutes overall)
    1. Everyone takes 2 minutes to write down a story that takes 3-5 minutes to share
    2. The scheduler divvies up the crew into the following roles
      1. Sharer: The person sharing their story
      2. Asker: Someone who asks clarifying questions
      3. Reflector: Someone who reflects back what they heard
      4. Impact Sharer: Someone who shares how the story impacted them (if there are 5/6 in the crew, then assign additional impact sharers)
    3. The sharing, asking, reflection, and sharing of impact commences, with the scheduler trying to keep things to 10 minutes
    4. Everyone rotates
  2. Crew members popcorn share from a big list in a somewhat unstructured fashion (easier, can be done to whatever time)
    1. Everyone takes 3 minutes to babble list as many “more of this” moments (big or small, trivial or profound) as they can think of.
    2. The group takes rotating taking turns sharing one list item at a time and discussing whatever comes up
    3. Whoever shared nominates when they’d like the discussion to shift to what the next person has to share
    4. It’s not important whether you get through the whole list, and it’s totally fine to explore random tangents that seem to interest the group 🙂

📤 Check out

  1. Someone starts the checkout by sharing:
    1. What you’ll be getting up to after the call
    2. How you feel about the call just gone
  2. And then passing to someone who hasn’t gone yet